Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials.~Meryl Streep

Motherhood has a very humanizing effect.  Everything gets reduced to essentials.~Meryl Streep

Monday, April 13, 2009

When We Came Home From The Hospital

If you are a new or expecting mom you need to read this!

The second night Alexis was home, she wouldn’t sleep in her bassinet, crying every time we put her down. This was full fledged, red in the face, screaming at the top of her lungs cry. Of course being first time parents we were doubt founded and knew that something was wrong. We tried everything; walking, feeding, changing, and anything we could think of, but nothing worked.

After 6 hours of dealing with this, it was about 3:00 am and we decided to call the pediatrician. We got the BEST advice ever!!! Since I was breast feeding, my milk came in and Alexis was getting used to having food in her stomach. The pressure of the food in her stomach made it VERY uncomfortable for her. The doctor recommended putting her to sleep in her car seat because it takes the pressure off. We were amazed, it worked right away and Alexis slept for 5 hours straight…she was exhausted! We put Alexis to sleep in her car seat for about a week. When she started sleeping in her bassinet, we put a couple books under the mattress to elevate her body. Elevating the baby’s head also helps with gas issues. We elevated Alexis head when she was sleeping in her bassinet and crib. Works really well!!!

My husband and I where very upset that the hospital did not share this information with us prior to leaving. So my goal is to pass this little tidbit of advice for new moms and moms-to-be! Please help me in sharing this wonderful information...I really wish someone shared this with me!

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